October 2017 Update


“Will he take delight in the Almighty?  Will he call on God at all times?" (Job 27:10)

Dear Praying Friends,

Happy Autumn! Season’s change and as my husband and I enjoy walking through our neighborhood, a few neighbor’s yards change too.  Some may call them Halloween decorations, but I don’t get it.  Why would people put tomb stones on their grass, and ghosts and hanging skeletons in their trees?  Why “celebrate” Halloween?  I truly think many of us, myself included, are like frogs in water that is now boiling and we don’t know it.  In researching Halloween it’s actually a real and sacred day for those who follow Wicca, the official religion of witchcraft!  I won’t continue to elaborate, I think you get the picture. 

I do like to think of myself as a FROG though; as in the acronym: Forever Rely On God!  In fact, I not only want to rely on Him, I want Him to be my refuge!  Last month I asked if you knew where the center of the Bible is and it’s worth repeating: Psalm 118:5 reminds us, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” How can we take refuge in the Lord?  Here’s a few ways.  He is:

  • Our Rock! "For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?”  (Psalm 18:31).
  • Our Shield! "Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him” (Proverbs 30:5)
  • Our Tower! "The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
  • Our Shelter! “God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).  
  • Our Protective Wings! "He will cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark” (Psalm 91:4).   

So who will you call on? I’m sure you'd agree to call on “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”, the title to Martin Luther’s great hymn who began Reformation on October 31, 1517; 500 years ago!

Instead of remembering Halloween with its death and darkness, let’s celebrate God as our fortress and refuge, and call on Him.  In a hurting world full of fear and turmoil and people searching for truth, let’s call out and pray everybody finds Jesus as their light and life for eternity!  Pray for His light to continue to shine through Luis, Andrew, Kevin and rest of the Palau team as they reveal the love and truth of Jesus around the world!   Please open the below regional reports for more details on how they’re shining for our God of refuge!

Calling out to Jesus in Prayer,
Gail Stockamp


  • NGA Cabinet Meeting in Portland, Oregon | Our Next Generation Alliance (NGA) team had a great time meeting with Luis, Kevin and Andrew earlier this month.  They spent a couple days strategizing, praying, encouraging one another and planning for the year ahead.
  • Fort Collins and Colorado Springs, Colorado | Kevin was in Colorado speaking to pastors, meeting leader and helping launch their 2017 CityServe initiatives. More than 3,000 followers of Jesus served in this citywide effort! 
  • Eugene, Oregon | Plans for CityFest in Eugene, Oregon July 28, 2018!  Pray for Randy and the team as they continue to work with locals on mobilization. There is real excitement for the campaign, including great media coverage.
  • Argentina | Another city, Las Malvinas, has asked to join in with an evangelism outreach while Andrew is in Argentina for the La Matania Festival this November 12-19!
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan | Our team in Grand Rapids, Michigan have made some great progress with committees, local media and logistical plans including a university event in Spring Arbor and Muskegon.


  • October 13-15 l Luis is speaking at a national conference for church leaders in Ft. Walton Beach, FL 
  • October 23-30 | Andrew leading Love Côte d’Ivoire Festival in West Africa. Pray for God’s wisdom and perseverance for the team through logistical challenges. Urgent prayer requests are for getting the Bibles into the country as they’re sitting at the border in customs; challenges with financial institutions in getting monies transferred to pay for needed services; and the weather!
  • November 11-19 | Andrew leading La Matanza Festival in Argentina. Pray for the team as the engage churches and prepare for the major campaign.



More than seasons are changing; so is our leadership prayer team!  We thank God for Vicky Burgess’ service and love that she’ll continue to be praying with NWPT.  Please welcome Brooke Andrews as our new co-leader for North America.  We’re thrilled to have her join us!  Below are links to encouraging and uplifting reports from the field. Please open and pray for the people/events represented:

  • Africa | Passion and preparation for upcoming festival in Cote d'Ivoire | Read more
  • Asia | Celebrating Christmas in China | Read more
  • North America | Breakthroughs continue in Eugene and Grand Rapids | Read more
  • Europe | Movement Day in London bears much fruit | Read more
  • Central & South America | Countdown to festivals in Argentina and Colombia | Read more
  • Caribbean | Urgent prayer after devastation from storms | Read more