May 2018 Update


“As a deer gets thirsty for streams of water, I truly am thirsty for you, my God” (Psalm 42:1).

Happy Spring! It’s the time of year when we plant flowers and gardens. I recently bought a lovely plant thinking it was well watered, only to discover the next day that it was limp and wilted. (And it was to be a gift too!) I immediately watered it and upon checking it hours later, it looked beautiful and as good as new – yippee! Wow, what a difference a little water made!

What a great analogy for us. God’s Word is our Living Water! Without it, our lives are dry and droopy! Luis once shared that our existence is made up of body, mind, and spirit. Most people these days diet and work out to care for their bodies. They value education to care for their minds. But as a nation (and perhaps worldwide) we are spiritually bankrupt! We’re withering and dying (literally for eternity).  

But when we believe in God’s Word and use it as daily nourishment, it is eternal life-giving food for our souls! We have joy, energy, and can be a powerful fountain of His love. Check out John 4 and read about Jesus and the woman at the well. She’ll tell you. Jesus quenched her thirst for God!

Luis, Andrew, and the Palau team are working to quench the thirst of those parched in spirit by bringing them the gospel of salvation. So many people are wilting, crushed, and dry in spirit and dying inside. Please join us in prayer in bringing them hope through the Good News of Jesus Christ. May our prayers for LPA in sharing God’s Word be a cup of cold water and an oasis in the spiritual desert of our world!  

So perk up, pray and drink in God’s Word today!

Hydrated in Him,
Gail Stockamp

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost” (Isaiah 55:1).


Please open and pray for the people and events represented:  

  • Africa | Preparing the Church in Abidjan, celebrating the chosen venue | Report
  • Asia | Blessing over a new Easter book, prayers with new county laws toward evangelism | Report
  • North America | Ongoing invitations for festivals throughout U.S. and upcoming NGA conference | Report
  • Europe | Celebrating opportunity for intensive tour throughout U.K. and upcoming festival | Report
  • Central & South America | Looking forward to Brazil and Colombia | Report
  • Caribbean | Continued prayers for islands devastated by storms and potential Cuba opportunity | Report


  • Luis has completed his second round of chemotherapy and is waiting to hear the news of his latest scan report. Please pray the tests show zero cancer; that the Lord will completely heal him! Pray for encouragement for Luis and Pat as they navigate this medical world and are a witness to all those they meet through this journey. Pray for Luis’ ongoing strength, for clarity, and focus for his time as he works on a new book, new radio programs, and prepares to speak at upcoming festivals.
  • On May 13, LPA hosted a RE:NEW gathering in Sunbury, UK in preparation for the festival Joy@Kempton Park on June 17 with Andrew Palau. Praise God for the wonderful turn out at the event and keep praying that He would continue to energize and refresh those involved into the hard work of the upcoming festival on June 13-17. 
  • Pray blessing over the youth gathering The Movement tomorrow, May 17, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in preparation for CityFest in September. 
  • Pray for many to come to faith in Jesus at the March for Jesus festival Sao Paulo Brazil on May 28-31. Andrew and other speakers will share the Good News and encourage the crowd. It's projected to have nearly one million attendees.
  • A movie has been in the works on the life on Luis and is in its final editing stages, to be released later this year. Please pray that it be well received and that God will be glorified.
  • Pray for upcoming festivals in the U.K., Brazil, Colombia, and throughout the U.S. 
  • Additionally, please pray for the City Gospel Movements and multiple Next Generation Alliance events happening worldwide as the Good News is being shared powerfully and clearly by these teams through festivals, as well as through TV and radio programs.


Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)


Enjoy being refreshed daily as you drink in His Holy Word!  Thank you for joining us in prayer!