November Update


Thank you for Randy and his commitment to You and the things dear to Your heart. Thank you for the time away with his wife--especially with limited email access!

Brooklyn is known as the borough of churches and we bring every church in Brooklyn before You:
•    Thank you for the rich spiritual foundation already in place. 
•    Thank you for the great meeting the evening of November 6 with participation from approximately 50 pastors, many of whom were completely new to the CityServe process. 
•    Thank you for the network of new relationships that are being developed and for the expansion of vision by introducing new pastors and their congregations to the concept of CityServe/CityFest.  
•    Thank you for the conversations that have begun to develop collaboration between churches in the areas of hunger and school partnerships.  
•    Pray for conversations to take root and grow into deeper discussions, maturing into tangible plans and action over the next few months as Your Spirit desires to send invitations out into the highways and byways.  

We invite You to be a part of every meeting and conversation taking place in Brooklyn regarding CityServe and CityFest:

  • for "dreaming, building, unifying" meetings, particularly those scheduled on the 19th and 22nd; for setting meeting dates of other Brooklyn groups committed to participate.  
  • We ask that You that You would be the focal point, casting meaningful and creative ways for the local churches to unite under Your Lordship in love and service to their communities and share Christ.  

We plead on behalf of those in Greater NY and Brooklyn that those serving the Lord would lead a life worthy of Your calling:

  • to always be humble and gentle.
  • To be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of love.
  • Make every effort to keep the unity provided through Your Spirit, binding themselves together with peace.  (Eph. 4: 1-3)     

Father, I ask that the churches would take the gifts Christ has given them and use them to equip Your people to do your work and build up the church until there is a unity in our faith and knowledge of Jesus; so that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. (Eph. 4:13) I pray that bitter jealousy and selfish ambition would be cast off (James 3:14) and that God’s resources be used for His glory, not man’s.

I ask that your followers would be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry…that they would not just listen and know God’s word, but do what it says. (James 1:19, 22) That there would be action to their words for it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. (James 4:17)

I pray for the unity of the Jews and Gentiles, for Christ created in himself one new people from two groups (Eph. 2:15)  I ask for boldness to go forth, speaking the right words  explaining God’s mysterious plan that the Good News about Christ is for Jews and Gentiles alike.(Romans 1: 16; Eph. 6:19)

Lastly, may the glory Jesus has given the church bring your church to oneness; Jesus in them and the church in Him. May the Bride of Christ experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Jesus and that you, the Father love them as much as you love Jesus. (John 17:15-23)
